Vivienne Chao

Thursday, November 02, 2006

One more post from today. After Ivie's nap, we went with 4 other families in our group to a local Chinese restaurant that everyone back home has heard of--Pizza Hut!! Mmmm...Pizza Hut. The taxi ride was 15 minutes of pure adrenaline. Apparently, the Chinese rule of the road is "there are no rules." Our taxi driver was on the sidewalk, in 9 different lanes of traffic all at once, two inches from a Chinese police officer who was on foot, cutting off mopeds, cutting sharp corners around 10 foot high brick columns, and the whole time doing at least 60 mph. It was like a combination of a roller coaster and one of those Daytona 500 reality video games. I haven't felt so nervous yet so alive all at the same time in quite a while. And not only was the Pizza Hut pizza authentic, it was the nicest decorated fast food joint I've ever set foot inside. All the waitresses loved all the babies. Ivie and her little friend Zoe were playing tug-of-war with straws, and competing to see who could polish off their jar of baby food first (Ivie won, killing a jar of apple paste just seconds before Zoe demolished her jar of strained peas). So quite a night of entertainment all at the right price--again. 12 Yuan for both taxi rides combined (roughly $1.75), and 86 Yuan for dinner for Renee and I (roughly $12). Gotta love China.



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