Vivienne Chao

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Hey I'm walking here ...

That is right Ivie is walking, a lot. She had taken steps before but on Monday she stood up on her own and just started walking. At first it wasn't very far but now she can walk the lenght of the basement all by herself without stopping.

Its so funny to see her walk. She usually has one or more toys in her hands so if she falls forward she can't break her fall. Luckily she usually sits down first. She has the typical drunken sailor walk, she sort of sways from side to side and definitely cannot walk a straight line.

So both grandmothers are going to have a lot of work trying to keep up with her while they watch her for the next two weeks. Mommy is back to work on Monday much to my chagrin - I am already having separation anxiety. Grandma Fensin will watch her in the mornings and Grandma Guolee will watch her in the afternoon. Ivie will start daycare on the 19th. I think she will enjoy it because she loves to be around other kids but we will see.


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